Deploy Application Updates with Ninite with a Cache on your LAN

Recently we purchased Ninite Pro for our organization and have implemented silent application updating via a scheduled task with PowerShell. This process uses a cache on our LAN to store updates and speed the whole process along. After some thinking I decided I wanted to get this working off-site so that when students take their laptops home over the summer, they can continue to receive updates.


The goal here is to cover two update scenarios:

  1. When on-site, update from our cache on the LAN.
  2. When off-site, update without a cache.

To accomplish this, we deploy a PowerShell script and a copy of Ninite Pro to the computers' C:\Windows\Temp directory. From there a scheduled task runs daily to run the PowerShell script. The script checks for the availability of a local cache and if that's not available it updates without it. Ninite will save a report for the computer to your server's Reports directory.

Configure your on-site cache and report folder

For your on-site cache to work via this method, you need to create a network folder which is accessible to the computers in your domain. In that folder, you need two special directories: Cache and Reports which are writable by your Domain Computers Active Directory group. This is necessary so that computers can cache their downloads and save their reports. Your directory tree will look something like this:

  • \\\Ninite\
    • Cache\ - Directory writeable by Domain Computers group.
    • Reports\ - Directory writeable by Domain Computers group.
    • Ninite-Offsite.ps1 - PowerShell script for deployment.
    • NinitePro.exe - Ninite Pro installer.

Configure Ninite-Update.ps1

The script below is what enables the magic. In summary, it tests if it can connect to your file server, If it can, it updates applications using the installer and cache on the server. If it cannot access your file server, it updates from C:\Windows\temp\Ninite instead. We will use a GPO to push NinitePro.exe and Ninite-Offsite.ps1 to C:\Windows\temp a little later.

In this script, Ninite is run in update-only mode for specifically listed applications. The installer will prevent the creation of shortcuts and auto-update functions by the installed applications.

# Ninite Pro App Selection List
Set-Variable APPS -option constant -value '"7-Zip" QuickTime Acrobat Air Audacity Firefox Flash "Flash (IE)" "Google Drive" "Google Earth" GIMP Inkscape Java "KeePass 2" "Notepad++" Reader Shockwave SumatraPDF VLC'

function updateOnsite ($apps) {
    $dir = "\\\Ninite"
    Push-Location $dir

    & .\NinitePro.exe /silent $dir\Reports\$env:computername.txt /updateonly /select $apps /cachepath $dir\Cache /disableautoupdate /disableshortcuts

function updateOffsite($apps) {
    $dir = "C:\Windows\temp\Ninite\"
    Push-Location $dir

    & .\NinitePro.exe /silent $dir\$env:computername.txt /updateonly /select $apps /disableautoupdate /disableshortcuts

function main () {
    if (Test-Connection -quiet) {
        updateOnsite $APPS
    } elseif (Test-Path "C:\Windows\Temp\Ninite\NinitePro.exe" ){
        updateOffsite $APPS


You need to customize this script to fit your environment.

  1. Line 3: Customize this list with the applications you wish to update.
  2. Line 8: Change this to your Ninite installer folder.
  3. Line 22: Change to your file server's hostname.

Create a GPO to deploy Ninite Pro and Schedule Updating

  1. In Group Policy Management, create a new policy named Update Applications with Ninite.
  2. Go to Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Files.
  3. Right-click and choose New > File.
  4. Set Action to Replace.
  5. Set the source file to \\\Ninite\NinitePro.exe.
  6. Set the destination file to C:\Windows\Temp\Ninite\NinitePro.exe.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Right-click and choose New > *File.
  9. Set Action to Replace.
  10. Set the source file to \\\Ninite\Ninite-Offsite.ps1.
  11. Set the destination file to C:\Windows\Temp\Ninite\Ninite-Offsite.ps1.
  12. Click OK.

Now you just need to create a scheduled task to run Ninite-Offsite.ps1. The goal is that the task should run once a day during an eight hour window (while the kids are at school) between 7am and 3pm.

  1. Viewing the GPO, go to Computer Configuration > Control Panel Settings > Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Right-click in the window and choose New > Scheduled Task (At least Windows 7).
  3. On the General tab:
    1. Set the name to Ninite-Update.
    2. Run the task as NT AUTHORITY\System. Check Run with highest privileges.
    3. Click OK.
  4. On the Triggers tab, create a new trigger:
    1. Begin the task on a schedule.
    2. Run the task daily.
    3. Set the start for today @ 7am.
    4. Delay the task for up to 8 hours.
    5. Make sure the Enabled box is checked.
    6. Click OK.
  5. On the Actions tab, create a new action:
    1. The action should be Start a program.
    2. Program/script: powershell
    3. Add arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file C:\Windows\Temp\Ninite\Ninite-Offsite.ps1
    4. Click OK.
  6. On the Conditions tab, check the Start only if the following network connection is available then select Any connection.
  7. On the Settings tab:
    1. Check Allow task to be run on demand. This helps with testing.
    2. Check Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed. This makes it so if a PC is offline during a scheduled start, it starts ASAP when it comes back online.
  8. Click OK. Your task is ready.

From here you are ready to test.

Testing your scheduled task

You can test your Ninite deployment task by opening up the Windows Task Scheduler and finding your scheduled task. If you right-click the task you can run it on demand. Check \\\Ninite\Reports\ for a log indicating success. Ninite logs normally list what applications were updated. If the log contains only OK, then no apps were available for update.

Common Issues

When I was setting this up I ran into some problems. If you have trouble, try checking these first:

  • Make sure the permissions on your file share are correct. The computer account needs access to the file share when you run a task as NT AUTHORITY\System.
  • Make sure your destination files are explicitly set in your GPO. Copying \\\Ninite\NinitePro.exe to C:\Windows\Temp\Ninite doesn't do what you expect! You need to specify the destination file name!

Good luck out there!